Flipping houses is nice. But it is a lot more profitable when you build teams and systems around it. Discover one of the biggest pitfalls of team building; babysitting.
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This is very common in team buildings You always have that person that come inside your team and just whine about everything.
They ask questions about every little thing. Some of these answers can easily be found by “Googling” it. They would rather alt everything and wait to ask you.
See… You are not in the business of motivating. Let’s be clear about that.
Your results and lifestyle may motivate people; sure. But you need to spend your resources, time and money talking to already motivated individuals.
You are not in the business of babysitting; you need to be talking to grown adults and people that act like grown adults.
I am going to tell you the truth right now.
Unfortunately, many people that will join your team will not act like grown adults.
Most will cry and whine about every little thing, every challenges and everything that happens just like in any other profession.
It’s inevitable. It will happen.
The solution goes back to easy entry and easy exit. Don’t get attached.
Question - “I got burnt out Ola. I’ve seen your other videos on the importance of building a dream team in the name of leverage.
I agree but my experience is making me rethink things. Hopefully you can relate and help me with your advice.
I find that delegating creates additional and harder work for me. I chose to start delegating because I wanted to reduce my workload but sadly, I just end up with double job.
Is there a secret or 2 that you can share on delegating and outsourcing without creating more excruciating work for myself. I still need more help so I don’t have the choice of going backwards here."
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Ola "Tux" Abitogun is the Creator of myEmpirePRO. He became a FULL TIME entrepreneur in October 2006.
He is a computer engineer and an engineering management graduate from New Jersey Institute of Technology; (NJIT) class of 2004/5. He was born in Dallas Texas and raised in Nigeria by his Nigerian parents. He considers himself a proud Nigerian American.
Today, he is a marketing addict, trainer, marketing and business consultant, real estate investor and all around serial entrepreneur. Most importantly, he is husband and father to their 2 Boys. The professional work he is mostly proud of is personally helping 1,000+ entrepreneurs around the world reach greater heights in their careers.
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#myEmpirePRO #OLATuxAbitogun #FlippingHouses
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